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BAMO电导率探针参数: 工作频率: 60KHZ,电导率测量范围: 5.0-64MS/m,电池为1800mA/h,不用背光持续工作时间约为60 小时,LCD液晶显示,有背光灯功能,BAMO探头具备互换性,用户可自行更换探头,采用单片机数据处理,读数精确可靠。BAMO良好温度补偿确保仪器可靠、稳定,测量的计量单位MS/m或%IACS变换方便。
BAMO This immersion probe 9336 is convenient for all pH or ORP measurements in tank, drain, basin, open channel.Standard construction is of grey PVC parts and a red PVC tube.The electrode holder in PVC or PPh is specially designed to avoid electrode damage during calibration. Electrode protection end is removed from the holder; the buffer flask (buffers 9011/ 9012/ 9013/ 9015) is then gripped on the holder during the entire calibration step.
BAMO spot, BAMO price, BAMO manufacturers, BAMO agent, BAMO distribution, BAMO model
BAMO conductivity probe, BAMO conductivity detector, BAMO electrode

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